Labels:book | daily | earth | reckoner | sidewalk | sky | windowpane OCR: Product Details System Configuration The NuBus architectire supports daia SCSI Small Computer Systems Four configurations are available: transfer rates r megabtes per Interface) -The: Macintosh IIcx CPU includes the sccond SCSI S high-performance interface foar 68030 micr oprocessor 6R8A2 : tloating-point connccting an Macintosh Icx tu hars! disks coproccssor, megabyte Of Ram. one 68030 Processor and other peripterals. such the Laser- 1.4- i-megalbyte : floppy disk drive, and mouse The 32-bit 68030 processor runs at Writer TT.C. Apple Scanner AppleCD SCT -The Macintosh I IICX l/40 CPU includes all 15.667 megahert? CD-ROM drive. and other devices Lp to of the features of the Macintosh Jx plus a he 32-hit adkress bus provides a total seven SCSI peripherals (including an 4)-megabyte hard disk ...